Sunday, May 16, 2010

Icelandic Volcano...

A French groom is scheduled to fly in today from Paris. The wedding is scheduled for this Saturday. I am hoping his flight will get out sometime soon and I won't have to exercise my Volcano Wedding Clause this week. Stay tuned!
My Volcano Wedding Clause

I like to offer my couples a little "extra peace of mind," so my wedding contracts contain clauses that may function as a bit of psychological and real world insurance. My contracts also exempt both me and my clients from liability in the event of situations beyond anyone's control in the form of "verifiable emergencies, acts of nature, acts of terrorism...etc." When the H1N1 virus was still unpredictable, I added an H1N1 clause to reassure couples that I would reschedule their ceremonies within two years without any added charge should the CDC or the WHO deem it unsafe to hold public gatherings. Fortunately, we got vaccinated, and that public gathering ban never materialized in New York. Praise God! So...the clause came out. But when the Icelandic volcano recently blew her top, I wrote in a new clause exempting my couples from loss of their fees if the airlines cancelled flights and the couples had to reschedule. Many of my couples fly into New York from Europe, particularly the British Isles, France and Belgium. Northern European air traffic was hard hit by flight cancellations and continues to be at risk. Some experts say this risk may continue for the next two years. Therefore, I will offer this bit of insurance to my European couples: If your flight is cancelled or postponed due to the Icelandic volano, we will reschedule your ceremony and you will not lose your deposit.